Palm Beach County Property Tax 2010 notices mailed this week~ Important Info about appealing your taxes!
Posted by Gloria Singer on
Beginning Monday, August 23, 2010, the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s office mailed the proposed property taxes for 2010. In the notice, there is a breakdown of millage rates , the property’s assessed and taxable values (as of January 1, 2010), and any exemptions applied. Read your notice closely. Although unfortunately millage rates have gone up in most areas, the values have declined. (example: I am an owner of Boca Raton Real Estate. My market value declined 10%, however my tax bill increased because the local taxing authorities increased their millage rate.) If you disagree with the value, or an exemption has not been applied, you have between now and September 16, 2010 to file a petition. With property values plummeting in the area, many…
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