Moving to the Boca Raton area provides the opportunity for polo and equestrian events. Whether you want to participate or you prefer to remain a spectator, there are two specific places you can visit in the area. Both are located in Wellington, Florida, which is about 45 minutes from Boca Raton. Just a short drive will land you at one of the two attractions for equestrian and polo.

Equestrian Sports Production, LLC

The Equestrian Sports Production, LLC facility and team is dedicated to bring the best horst shows to the area. This is a high-end complex offering the best of the best in equestrian events. The equestrian community using the facility includes some of the most prominent families in the United States involved in horse shows.

A few of the…

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Living in Boca Raton brings more than just great beaches, sunshine and an ocean view. Many historic markers are found in Boca and the surrounding area. If you love history or you just want to better acquaint yourself with the area, here are some of the many historic markers you can visit.

Boca Raton

Within Boca Raton, you will find three specific historic markers: The Barefoot Mailman, Florida East Coast Railway Depot and the Boca Raton Town Hall. All three of these provides history and fascination for both visitors and residents.

The Barefoot Mailman is one of the most unique and it's found at Spanish River Park off A1A. This mailman signifies the 66-mile walk taken by United States mailmen in the late 1800s from Palm Beach to Miami. They would…

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Living in a place like Boca Raton, Florida can give you a unique opportunity to enjoy both luxury and a laid-back style of living. When you have both options right on your doorstep, you can choose something different each day. You can also mix the styles and come up with something you're completely comfortable with. It's hard to find a better way to feel at home. If you want beauty and extravagance in Boca, there are homes that offer just what you're looking for. Someone seeking out a more modest lifestyle can certainly find that there, as well.

There are nearly 3,000 homes available in and around the Boca Raton area, and they range in price from well under $100,000 all the way up to $25 million. That's quite a range of price, size, style, and amenities…

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Moving to Boca Raton, Florida for the sun and sand lifestyle can be a great choice. Before you commit to a property, you'll want to see what the area really has to offer to you. One of the big choices you'll need to make is whether you want to live in a single family home or a condo. There are also apartments and townhomes to consider, although many people consider these to be similar to condo living. The big question is whether you want to live in an attached structure with other neighbors, or whether you're looking for more privacy than that.

There are some ways you can make your choice more easily. For example, if you have a big family, you might not want a condo. That's also true if you have a lot of people visiting you all the time. Of course, if you…

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Boca Raton is full of great places for families to enjoy the day. Many normal attractions, such as the Palm Beach Zoo or the Calypso Bay Waterpark are great. However, some of the unique attractions in the area may provide a better time for everybody.

Top Family Attractions Different from the Ordinary

With so much to do in South Florida, it's hard to choose sometimes. Some of the distinct family attractions found near Boca include:

  • National Croquet Center
  • Palm Beach Water Taxi
  • South Florida Science Museum
  • McCarthy's Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Leapin Lizards
  • Lawrence E. Will Museum
  • Boomer's Family Recreation Center
  • Yesteryear Village at the South Florida Fairgrounds

All of these are great places to take the family and enjoy a day away from…

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Mizner Golf and Country Club in Boca Raton, Florida will host the 5th Annual Propel Golf Classic. Propel is an organization helping the disadvantaged youth of Palm Beach and North Broward Countries. This tournament will help raise money for the not for profit organization, while providing a great chance to get out and play golf.

The Tournament

A four-person scramble format with longest drive, closest to the pin and hole-in-one contest, plenty of prizes will be given out. The event includes a BBQ lunch, raffle, auction and gift package for all golfers. Along with the tournament, all participants can enjoy a post-tournament dinner, awards ceremony and cocktail party.

The Course

This beautiful course measures 5,522 to 7,190 yards with five different…

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