Image Credit: of any city is marked by new home construction and new job opportunities. Boca Raton is certainly growing and has seen both recently.

Potential New Housing Development

A vote will take place soon and the Palm Beach County commissioners will decide if replacing the old Mizner Trail Golf Course with a new housing development is a good idea.

This new development would add 288 new homes to the area and they would be considered golf course property. The golf course closed in 2005, however. The new development would be a mix of townhomes and zero lot-line homes.

However, this development still has to be approved. The Boca Del Mar Improvement Association will also meet with the county parks department to express interest in buying the old golf course. If they are able to come to an agreement, they plan to turn it into a public park.

The commissioners have already rejected two other housing proposals for the space, but may be open to this one, if there's a plan for the use of the golf course.

Fifty New Jobs Added to Boca Tech Firm

TouchSuite, which considered moving to Texas recently, decided to stay in Boca Raton. This is largely due to a public incentive package they were offered, which has led to the addition of 50 new jobs.

The jobs will range from programmers to business development associates. These new positions will help with a new produce using the Android operating system for mobile devices.

A recent Boca Raton City Council meeting included a vote to approve an incentive package for the company to keep them in Boca Raton. The package includes $250,000 with $50,000 coming from the city and the rest from the state.

TouchSuite used to be called American Bancard and is growing rapidly. They were ranked as the Fastest-Growing Technology Company by Business Journal. They sell computers systems used at point-of-sale or POS systems.

Posted by Gloria Singer on
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