Please find below the statistics for May 2009's Boca Raton real estate market conditions.  This shows the activity for all the single family homes and condos/townhomes sold in the East Boca Raton area - which includes all properties between Military Trail and the Atlantic Ocean. 

Boca Raton FL Real Estate,boca raton real estate

Below are some additional property analysis surrounding the above numbers for the Boca Raton real estate market which shows the breakdown on prices and days on market throughout this eastern area of Boca Raton:

Boca Raton FL Real Estate,boca raton real estate

I would be happy to answer any questions you may have with regard to the current market conditions in and around the Boca Raton real estate area.  We are noticing some consistent stabilizing throughout the market compared to the past few years and are confident that the market will show signs of improvement for sellers in the coming months.  If you are looking at purchasing a home or condo/townhouse in the Boca Raton are, please feel free to contact me at your convenience too.

Posted by Gloria Singer on


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